Elevate Your Inkjet Coding with SNEED-JET® Titan Inks

SNEED-JET® Titan Inks

What to Consider When Choosing the Right Ink

Selecting the perfect ink for your inkjet coding needs involves more than just choosing a color that stands out. To ensure high-quality prints that adhere well and maintain their visibility, it's crucial to consider factors such as substrate type, dry time, adhesion, and print content. Among the array of SNEED-JET® Titan thermal-inkjet inks available, determining the most suitable option can be challenging. This guide will help you make an informed decision.

Factor 1: Substrate Type

The type of surface you're printing on plays a vital role in ink selection. Porous surfaces require water-based inks, while non-porous surfaces necessitate solvent-based inks. Choosing the appropriate ink prevents smudging and ensures legible and visually appealing prints.

Factor 2: Dry Time

Considering the drying duration is crucial to prevent prints from coming into contact with other surfaces prematurely. Most thermal-inkjet inks dry within 3-4 seconds, although variations may exist for different colors and bases.

Factor 3: Print Content

Determining the nature of your print content is essential for selecting an ink that offers the proper contrast and maintains its pigmentation when exposed to light. Whether you're printing logos, barcodes, date codes, or personalized messages, choose an ink that ensures readability and longevity.


Selecting the right ink for your printing requirements involves a thoughtful analysis of substrate type, dry time, and print content. By considering these factors, you can achieve optimal inkjet coding prints that adhere well, stand out, and avoid issues such as smearing, fading, or blending. Explore the range of SNEED-JET® Titan thermal-inkjet inks available, and make an informed decision to elevate your printing experience.

What Ink to Use on Porous and Non-Porous Surfaces?

When it comes to printing on different materials, selecting the right ink is crucial for optimal results. Whether you're working with porous surfaces like wood, paper, cardboard, or concrete, or non-porous materials like glass, plastic, or metal, understanding the suitable ink type is essential. This guide will help you make informed decisions to achieve clear, long-lasting prints that won't fade or smudge.

Printing on Porous Surfaces:

If your focus is solely on printing on porous materials, such as wood, paper, cardboard, or concrete, water-based inks are ideal. Our Titan ST-100 black ink, which is water-based, is perfect for this purpose.

Printing on Non-Porous Surfaces:

For non-porous materials like glass, plastic, or metal, selecting a solvent-based ink is recommended. Our range includes two black inks, as well as white, red, yellow, blue, green, and even invisible ink. With solvent-based ink, you have the flexibility to print on both porous and non-porous surfaces, catering to your diverse printing needs.

Comparison of Solvent-Based Black Inks:

Among the solvent-based inks, we offer two black options: ST-300 and ST-301. While both deliver impressive results, the ST-301 ink stands out with its slightly faster dry time and enhanced adhesion. If you prioritize crisp prints that resist fading, the ST-301 ink is the perfect choice for your printing requirements.

SNEED-JET® ST-300 Black
Prix régulier $159.00
SNEED-JET ST-301 Black
SNEED-JET® ST-301 Black
Prix régulier $169.00
SNEED-JET® ST-320 White
Prix régulier $209.00
Prix régulier $199.00
SNEED-JET® ST-340 Yellow
Prix régulier $209.00
SNEED-JET® ST-350 Blue
Prix régulier $199.00
SNEED-JET ST-360 Green
SNEED-JET® ST-360 Green
Prix régulier $199.00
SNEED-JET® ST-370 Invisible
Prix régulier $199.00