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SNEED-PACK® Hot Melt Tape for Case Sealers & Case Erectors
If you're looking for a high-quality adhesive tape that can handle your toughest packaging challenges, our 3-inch SNEED-PACK® Hot Melt Tape is the perfect solution. With four rolls per order, you'll have plenty of tape to get the job done. Our hot melt tape is more consistent and easy to release than other types of tape, making it ideal for use with automated packaging machines. It's a machine-length tape for case taping or case erecting machines. It has a high initial tack and superior holding power, making it the better choice for boxes with heavy memory in their flaps, overfilled packages, or those composed of a higher degree of recycled content. Plus, with a temperature range of 45°F to 120°F, you can rely on this tape to keep your packages securely sealed in any climate.
SNEED-PACK® Hot Melt Tape Specifications
- Box contains (4) rolls of tape
- Total width: 3in
- Total thickness: 2.0mil
- 1.2mil BOPP
- 0.8mil Adhesive
- Total length: 1,000 yards
- Application temperature range: 32F - 120F
- Elongation: 150%
- Service temperature range: -10F - 120F
- Tensile 27lbs / in
Compatible SNEED-PACK® Equipment
Help Desk Information
Videos Showing Tape Usage in Machines